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GLYPHICONS Halflings 상용 구매 문의

koss 게시글 작성 시각 2022-01-04 17:33:25

bootstrap3 라이브러리를 사용하는데 GLYPHICONS Halflings regular 폰트가 포함되어있습니다.

일반적으로 상용 소프트웨어인 것으로 알고 있는데, bootstrap으로 이용시 오픈소스로 이용가능한지 문의드립니다.






GLYPHICONS Halflings font is also released as an extension of a Bootstrap www.getbootstrap.com for free and it is released under the same license as Bootstrap. While you are not required to include attribution on your Bootstrap-based projects, I would certainly appreciate any form of support, even a nice Tweet is enough.

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